Educators world wide are in a moral panic as reading standards plummet and we scramble to explain our failure. However, it’s not our teaching of reading that has changed it is the fact that in our society reading just isn’t seen as important anymore.
This is the battle we have been fighting in remote schools for many decades and the casualties of intense English programs have been student engagement and general education.
It is imperative to teach reading, but it cannot be to the exclusion of content and engagement so we teach it through educational content.

Lit is a quick and simple list of ways to immerse your class in language while you focus on educating and engaging your class.

Our main issue in remote schools is that English is not spoken at homes, and a phonics program whilst essential cannot compete against incomprehension of the language. As Scarborough’s rope emphasises, language comprehension is our primary job. Fran Murray has a good article on this here… Socorro Herrera and Ester de Jong here…

The best phonics program in our context is “Teaching Standard Australian English Speech Sounds to Student in the Northern Territory” Put out by CDU and the Northern Territory Education Department. This can be supplemented by resources such as our recommended phonics sequence below. If using proprietary programs such as RWi care must be used due to the context of the British texts and fonts.

Peppimenarti School strongly encourages teachers to use Fran Murray’s Walking Talking Texts approach. Lit can be considered an introduction to her immersive work which has been developed specifically for the remote indigenous context. Ensuring that Standard Australian English (SAE) is taught in a holistic way, literacy immersion is the central focus of your lesson planning.

If your current unit is not based around text and oracy then develop a group negotiated text and scour it for literacy and numeracy teaching opportunities. But most importantly because SAE is such an intense focus you must ensure that the content of your text is educational and part of a comprehensive syllabus that integrates the Australian Curriculum (AC) with Indigenous Language and Culture (ILC).


You are the students’ model of the English language.

Speak and write Standard Australian English.

Know your students. 

Choose your text carefully.

Plan ahead.

Be explicit.

20 steps for every text.

1. Listen, speak, read then write.

It can’t be said often enough. Listening is the first step in the literacy process. Students need to hear Standard Australian English (SAE) often and clearly. Always use your sound field system and model reading to the students. Listen to your students, at every level, there are always new words and sounds for students to practice. Use but do not get distracted by phonics programs immersion is the key to learning language.

2. Discover the Text (Build the field of knowledge; set students up for prediction).

Talk about the contents of the text.  Discuss and record what the learners already know about the topic and theme of the text. Represent this in the form of a semantic web or notes on a retrieval chart. Use information from the title, chapter headings, introduction and the summary of the text to discuss what the text might cover/be about (prediction).

3. Prediction
Using the headings, prior knowledge, illustrations etc. brainstorm and discuss with the students what this text could be about.

4. Read the text aloud with the students.

●     Modelled. Just the teacher. (I do)
●     Shared. The whole group with the teacher. (We do)
●     Guided. Individually. (You do)
●     Independent. Individual extended reading. (You do)

5. Complete oral cloze exercises (Checking the students’ linguistic accessibility to the text)

6. Confirm predictions, check for understanding, resetting predictions

7. Read the text to the students with fluency and expression.

●     Make links between the written text and the real-world experiences of the students. Talk about similarities and differences.

8. Retell (Assessment)

Have the students retell the text in groups of two or three, stating their opinions and their reasons for them. Give students different sections to retell and comment on. Record audio or video for assessment.

9. Word Walls

10. Reconstruct the text

11. Independent writing (assessment)

(Expect independent writing only after students have been part of group-negotiated writing and they have seen a model of what the final product can look like.)

Organise for the students to begin writing.

●     Lead a class meeting to discuss the writing so far and to make suggestions which individuals may take up as they continue their writing.

12. Check for comprehension.

Sort scrambled text, use longer chunks of text such as paragraphs/ the contents of a page.

13. Deconstruction of the text with the students to produce a visual representation that summarises the structure of the genre of the text or the main events/time sequence/actions in the text – a story map or graph.

Have students draw and annotate diagrams and illustrations for everything. It helps them consolidate their learning and it also lets you check for understanding.

14. Check comprehension.

Use the new words and phrases learned to construct sentences that mean the same as the original. (Show how the same meaning can be constructed differently in English)

Create alternative endings and beginnings for sentences and larger chunks of text.

15. Practice listening skills.

Students need to learn to hear the sounds in English that are different to the sounds in their language Once these listening exercises have been introduced, do some of them for 10 minutes every day. Listening exercises should cover the areas of stress, intonation and rhythm and pronunciation of English.

16. Practice pronunciation.

(As well as learning to hear the sounds of English, Second language learners need to be taught explicitly how to pronounce some English sounds that are not part of their repertoire.

Use any of your texts to concentrate on particular aspects of English pronunciation. Include sounds, words, phrases, whole sentences incorporating intonation and rhythm.

17. Examine the differences between spoken and written English.

Language is constructed differently for writing than it is for speech. The formal construction of written English needs to be explicitly taught to second language learners.

Examine the differences between spoken (free-flowing spontaneous) and written language.

Analyze some recorded English from any aspect of a previous activity and compare it with the writing of the group-negotiated text.

18. Check comprehension

Decide about true/false statements based on the information from this unit.

Use multiple-choice questions based on the text.

Recognise and correct substitutions or errors in the text.

19. Oral presentation

(Formal speaking is a specifically taught skill. Allow students to practice with material that is familiar to them, that they have been taught about and scaffolded into.)

Explore the text through an oral presentation. Discuss and plan the presentation. Make group notes, use headings e.g. what, who, where, when, how.


For each unit of work, assess oral language. Make notes about the student’s knowledge, understandings and use of language. A group of students should be targeted for assessment in each unit of work. Engage the students in discussion during the activities, record the students using Standard Australian English and write anecdotal notes about the student’s use of English as observed.

Record the student as they:

Give their ideas, opinions, and feelings about the stimulus text or retell the text. And make notes and/or record the student’s responses to the listening, oral cloze and intonation exercises or pronunciation of the target sounds/words/phrases for the unit.

Also, observe and note students’ level of participation in whole group songs or recitations. Note their confidence and clarity of words.

20. Library

Take the class to the library at least once a week. Expect each student to take out a book to read for enjoyment.

21. Mathematical Literacy (bonus points)

Every activity needs to be examined for opportunities to integrate mathematical concepts and thinking. Our students need to practice problem-solving and reasoning in practical everyday situations. Use mathematical language at every opportunity.

Consider how to incorporate;

Students need to understand the reasons and usefulness behind Maths rather than the process to solve equations. Activities must start from concrete physical manipulatives before moving to abstract numerals and functions. Teach methods of simplification and estimation.

Look at years 2&3 of the Australian Curriculum where students move from the concrete to the abstract.

Use the NTs Mathematics Essentials student tracker to gauge where your students sit. 

Lit draws on resources from Fran Murray’s Walking Talking Texts which is a comprehensive framework for teaching and assessing in our indigenous context. When you have time, explore Fran’s Walk Talk Teach.


Reading Test

The child should read the words left to right. When a word that gets a little difficult, ask the child to sound it out. If the child can’t say what the word is, then go on to the next one.

The person supervising the test will give one mark for each word correctly pronounced – even if the reader self corrects. The supervisor will not suggest corrections. No prompting. No hurrying. If the reader mispronounces slightly as in postage with a short ‘o‘, the first time, then ask for the word again, marking it correct if the reader has self-corrected. Otherwise, do not ask for a word to be re-read.

If you do not give away the pronunciation of words that the reader does not know, then this same test may be used again at a later date to assess progress as a result of a teaching programme.

Reading age = (Number of words correct / 10) + 5

Spelling Tests

Choose what you believe will be an appropriate point to start the test.

Dictate each word in turn, saying the word individually, then putting it into a sentence and finally repeating the word.

e.g.       time                     Can you tell me the time?                 time

Dictate slowly and clearly. Never hurry the learner and repeat the word as often as is needed.

Continue until the learner has made at least 5 consecutive errors. 


Strictly speaking, you should not re-test within a year of the previous test if you are using a standardized, normed test. Six months is an acceptable time delay, but it is usually unwise to retest within six months. Re-test using the B version of the test and alternate each subsequent time.

Spelling age = (Number of words correct / 10) + 5

Reading Test                     



Spelling Test A


Spelling Test B


*Concepts of Print Assessment

FRONT COVER (Book Concepts)“Show me the front of this book.”One point for correct response.
BACK COVER (Book Concepts)“Show me the back of this book.”One point for correct response.
THE TITLE (Book Concepts)“Show me the name of this book or story.”One point for pointing to title on cover or title page.
PRINT CARRIES THE MESSAGE (Reading Concepts)“Show me where I start reading.”One point for print. Zero points for picture.
BEGINNING OF TEXT (Directionality Concepts)“Show me with your finger where I have to begin reading.”One point for pointing to the first word.
LEFT TO RIGHT; TOP TO BOTTOM (Directionality Concepts)“Show me with your finger which way I go as I read this page.”One point for moving left-to- right on page with finger.
RETURN SWEEP (Directionality Concepts)“Where do I go then?”One point for return sweep (top line to bottom line).
ONE-TO-ONE MATCH (Reading Concepts)“You point to the words while I read the story.” (Read slowly, but fluently).One point for one-to-one matching of print with spoken word.
FIRST WORD (Concepts of Word)“Use your finger to show me the first word on this page.”One point for pointing to the first word on the page.
LAST WORD (Concepts of Word)“Use your finger to show me the last word on this page.”One point for pointing to the last word on the page.
WORD (Concepts of Word)“Move your fingers until I can see one word. Now, show me two words.One point for BOTH correct responses.
FIRST LETTER IN A WORD (Concepts of Letter)“Show me the first letter in a word.”One point for correct response.
LAST LETTER IN A WORD (Concepts of Letter)“Show me the last letter in a word.”One point for correct response.
ONE LETTER/TWO LETTERS (Concepts of Letter)“Move your fingers and show me one letter. Now, show me two letters.”One point for BOTH correct responses.
LETTER NAMES (Concepts of Letter)“Show me three letters that you know on this page and tell me the name of each one.”One point for pointing and correctly naming three letters.
A CAPITAL LETTER (Concepts of Letter)“Use your finger to show me a capital letter.”One point for pointing to or framing a capital letter.
A SMALL LETTER (Concepts of Letter)“Use your finger to show me a small letter.”One point for pointing to or framing a small letter.
PERIOD (.) (Punctuation Marks)“What is this called?” or “What is this for?”One point for naming and/or demonstrating an understanding of what a period means.
QUESTION (?) (Punctuation Marks)“What is this called?” or “What is this for?”One point for naming and/or demonstrating an understanding of what a question mark means.
EXCLAMATION(!) (Punctuation Marks)“What is this called?” or “What is this for?”One point for naming and/or demonstrating an understanding of what an exclamation point means.
QUOTATION (“) (Punctuation Marks)“What is this called?” or “What is this for?”One point for naming and/or demonstrating an understanding of what a quotation mark means.
COMMA (,) (Punctuation Marks)“What is this called?” or “What is this for?”One point for naming and/or demonstrating an understanding of what a comma means.
Adapted from An Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement, Marie M. Clay. (via MLPP)

Running Records

A running record in its simplest and form is a count of how many words a student reads correctly. Have a student read the 100 words of a text, if they get 90 correct then the text is ‘instructional’ and a good level for them to progress, if they get less than 90% then they will be missing too many words for comprehension, more than 95% correct and the text is too easy. You can usually make this assessment after listening to 10 or 20 words you don’t have to do the whole 100.

However, analysing the mistakes a student makes can be very informative to you as a teacher, and thus Running Record Conventions can be useful.

Recommended phonics sequence.

Phonics sequenceTricky wordsWord list & decodable/dictation sentences
m, s, a, t mat, sat, Sam, Tam, man, am, it
m, s, a, t mat, sat, Sam, Tam, man, am, it
p, i, f, rIpat, pit, sit, tap, nap, nit, map, fit, fat, rat, rip, ram, Tim  
I am Tim, I am fit, It sat.
p, i, f, rthepat, pit, sit, tap, nap, nit, map, fit, fat, rat, rip, ram, Tim  
The fat rat sat, I am in the rip.
o, c, d, hishop, hat, ham, cod, cot, cat, dip, rid, cop, sad, mad, had,  
I had ham, The cat is sad, Dad is mad.
o, c, d, hahop, hat, ham, cod, cot, cat, dip, rid, cop, sad, mad, had,  
I had a nap, I am in the cot, Dad is a cop.
e, n, g, lmycan, leg, get, got, den, net, lot, lip, rig, fig, egg, nip, lid, god, dog, hen, fin, fog, cog, log, lap  
My hen is on the log, I can get the fig, The dog is in the den.
e, n, g, ltoleg, get, got, den, net, lot, lip, rig, fig, egg, nip, lid, god, dog, hen, fin, fog, cog, log, lap  
The hen ran to the log, My dog ran to my lap, I got the fig in the net.
k, u, b, jhe, she, me, be, weus, kit, kip, kid, bud, but, bit, big, cut, cup, hub, pun, jig, tub, sub, jet, jam, Jim, hob, bin, cob, hug  
Can he get the bin? Can she get the jam? She is on the big log.
k, u, b, jareus, kit, kip, kid, bud, but, bit, big, cut, cup, hub, pun, jig, tub, sub, jet, jam, Jim, hob, bin, cob, hug  
We are in the tub, We are in the fog, We are in the sun.
w, ckwaswin, wet, back, sack, pack, rack, wack, hack, sock, lock, rock, dock, lick, pick, wick, kick, sick, muck, luck, duck, suck, deck, peck, stuck, pluck, flack, stack, stick, flick, flack,  
She was sick, The duck was on the deck, We are in the back.
ll, ff, sssaid saysyell, Bill, dull, off, puff, kiss, fuss, hiss, tell, fell, will, miss, sell    
She said she will miss him, We said not to fuss, She said not to yell.
shhis, hership, shop, shed, shell, dish, fish, shock, gash, lash, shack, crash, brush, crunch, shrug  
Her shell is big, His fish is in the net, Her dog is in the shack.
quwerequack, quill, quell, quick, quiff, quip, quilt, quit  
We were quick, He was quick, The duck said quack
eehassee, bee, beef, been, beep, deem, deep, eel, feel, feet, heel, jeep, keen, keep, reed, reef, breed, sweep  
I keep the dog in the shed, the man has beef, I can see the big jet.
z/zzlookzip, zit, zag, zig, zap, buzz, jazz, fuzz, fizz  
The bee said buzz, Look at the fizz in the cup, Look at the big zit
chonechip, chap, chin, chop, chess, such, rich, chimp, chest  
Chop the big one, The chap is the quick one, She is the rich one.
v, x, yyouvet, van, yam, yuck, yet, yell, wax, six, mix, Rex, yes, box  
Can you get six? Will you get the dog to the vet? Can you get the box?
v, x, yhavevet, van, yam, yuck, yet, yell, wax, six, mix, Rex, yes, box  
Can I have six? Can she have the box? I have six in the box.
whwhat, wherewhen, whip, wham, wheel  
What is in the box? When can we see the pup? Where is the wheel?
ththeythan, that, bath, math, path, moth, pith, with, this, then  
They are in the bath, That is a big moth in the bath, They can see the sick dog.
ooherecool, coop, food, noon, pooch, roof, zoom, hoop, moon, room, proof, smooth, scoop, zoom  
She is here on the roof. Here is the food in the shed. They ran here.
ngall, call, ball, tallwing, song, hang, long, prong, strung, sling, flung, fling, stung, thing  
I call my mum an old thing, The ball is in the box, I got stung in my room.
ayall, call, ball, tallSay, lay, bay, spray, stay, stray, ray, pray, sway, clay, play, way, fray,  
She will pay you all. May I call you? What way is the stray dog?
CVCC structuresgo, so, nocamp, caps, cats, cops, cost, cups, cuts, dabs, damp, dent, desk, dips, disk, dots, dump, dunk, dusk, dust, fact, felt, film, fist, fits, fond, font, gaps, gets, gift, gulf, gulp, gust, hand, hats, pond, pulp, pump, punk, punt, ramp, rant, rats, let’s  
Let’s go to the fish pond, Mum said no to the gift, The rats are so big
CCVC structuresputcrab, glad, slam, trap, scab, brag, trim, drop, drum, drip, plug, slam, grin, flag, twig, twin, plan, flat, front, clap, flock, stock, grab, club, scab, frog,  
Put the plug in the bath tub, Put the crab in the pot, We put the flag up.
CCVC, CVCC structuresascamp, caps, cats, cops, cost, cups, cuts, dabs, damp, dent, desk, dips, disk, dots, dump, dunk, dusk, dust, fact, felt, film, fist, fits, fond, font, gaps, gets, gift, gulf, gulp, gust, hand, hats, pond, pulp, pump, punk, punt, ramp, rant, rats, let’s, crab, glad, slam, trap, scab, brag, trim, drop, drum, drip, plug, slam, grin, flag, twig, twin, plan, flat, front, clap, flock, stock, grab, club, scab, frog,  
She had milk just as she got up, The frog is in the pond, The rats are as big as cats.
CCVC, CVCC structuresdocamp, caps, cats, cops, cost, cups, cuts, dabs, damp, dent, desk, dips, disk, dots, dump, dunk, dusk, dust, fact, felt, film, fist, fits, fond, font, gaps, gets, gift, gulf, gulp, gust, hand, hats, pond, pulp, pump, punk, punt, ramp, rant, rats, let’s, crab, glad, slam, trap, scab, brag, trim, drop, drum, drip, plug, slam, grin, flag, twig, twin, plan, flat, front, clap, flock, stock, grab, club, scab, frog,  
They do not have the ball, We do not jump on the dog, They do not get a gift.
Phoneme: /ai/ as in rain and staylike   says (say + s)ai: aid, aim, bait, faith, frail, pain, pail, snail, saint, sail, rain, waist, tail, train, stain, ay: spray, stay, stray, ray, pray, sway, clay, play, way, fray  
I like to sail, I like to play in the rain, We like to stay in the train.
Spellings: ai, ayofai: aid, aim, bait, faith, frail, pain, pail, snail, saint, sail, rain, waist, tail, train, stain, ay: spray, stay, stray, ray, pray, sway, clay, play, way, fray  
I like the smell of rain, I like the way we play, The duck is in the way of the train.
Phoneme: /ai/ as in rain and staywantee: beef, been, beep, breed, cheek, deem, deep, eel, feel, feet, free, green, heel, jeep, keen, keep, reed, reef, seem, sweep, teeth ea: beach, bean, beast, cheap, cheat, dream, east, feast, leach, leash, heap, heat, plead, read, seam, seat, weak, yeast  
I want beef to eat, I do not want the heat, I want to read in the tree.
Spellings: ai, aysome, comeee: beef, been, beep, breed, cheek, deem, deep, eel, feel, feet, free, green, heel, jeep, keen, keep, reed, reef, seem, sweep, teeth ea: beach, bean, beast, cheap, cheat, dream, east, feast, leach, leash, heap, heat, plead, read, seam, seat, weak, yeast  
Some kids like to read, I can come to the beach, I get some green beans,
Phoneme: /ee/ as in beep and heatsome, comeoa: bloat, boat, broach, coach, coal, coast, croak, float, load, loaf, moat, oaf, oat, oath, soak, soap, throat, toad ow: blow, blown, bowl, glow, grown, row, show, slow, sow, stow, throw, tow  
He can come to see the boat, I can come to the show, I need some soap.
Spellings: ee, easome, comeoa: bloat, boat, broach, coach, coal, coast, croak, float, load, loaf, moat, oaf, oath, soak, soap, throat, toad ow: blow, blown, bowl, glow, grown, row, show, slow, sow, stow, throw, tow  
Come down to the show, Some dogs are slow, Can I come to the coast?
Phoneme: /ee/ as in beep and heatfor, origh: flight, bright, high, might, sight, slight, thigh, tight, right -y: by, cry, dry, fly, fry, my, pry, spry, shy, sty, spy, try, sky,    
I might try the duck or beef, I went on the flight for fun, My mum or dad will come for us.
Spellings: ee, eafor, origh: flight, bright, high, might, sight, slight, thigh, tight, right -y: by, cry, dry, fly, fry, my, pry, spry, shy, sty, spy, try, sky,  
She might cry for the milk, It is the right camp spot for us, The light is bright for me.
Phoneme: /oa/ as in boat and glowarear: car, star, far, farm, start, barn, mark, harm, part, jar, art, smart

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