Teachers please use the following guide to your written planning.
Classroom Management:
Front Cover:
- Teachers’ Names.
- Year Levels in class.
Student Groupings:
- Summary of how you group the children for targeted learning in Literacy and Maths.
- Include details of your Teaching and Learning Cycle. e.g.
- Managed classroom entry greeting individual students, teacher assigned seats.
- Daily Revision, topic, introduction, prior knowledge, learning intention, explicit example, joint construction, individual project, assessment activity.
- Include what is routinely covered each hour.
- i.e. 8:30-9:00 SEL, 9:00-10:30 Literacy Block. 11:00-12:00 Numeracy, 12:00-13:00 SOSE, 13:30-2:30 STEM.
Class Rules and Behaviour Management plan:
- Include where the class negotiated rules and consequences are displayed and what they are.
- Ensure consequences include in class, buddy class, out of class, detention & family communication.
- Include the location where your map of cultural relationships is displayed.
- Include your process for welcoming and settling latecomers.
- Include consequences and process for AWOL students.
Special needs:
- List classroom adjustments to allow equal access for targeted SWAN students.
- Sound-field system, seating, visual timetables, physical spaces, regular breaks, withdrawal spaces.
Daybook and ERT lesson plans:
- Note the location of your Daybook or Activity Log and Emergency Relief Teacher units attached to your term program.
Data walls.
- What is you source of data for your classroom display of Literacy, Numeracy and Attendance?
- How do students interact with these displays.
Instructional program:
Sel: (Social Emotional Learning)
- Respectful Relationships
- Rights
- Resilience
- Space
- Measurement
- Number
- Algebra
- Chance and Data
- What rich text are you using?
- How are you breaking it down?
- (what elements of the Science of Reading or Literacy immersion toolkit are you using?))
- How are you assessing?
- Oracy
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Writing
- Leverage student’s cultural knowledge of hunting, gathering and language.
- Refer to the CSIRO TRaCK calendars your Assistant teachers knowledge and the Ngangi dictionary .
- Links to the EsseNTial Curriculum English & Maths and Numeracy.
- If applicable Links to the Australian Curriculum learning areas refer to our curriculum map.
- For Senior Secondary students include a copy of all school-based LAPs you will be using and list SACE subjects.
Assessable outcomes.
- Assessment tasks, due dates and where you are storing that data.
- ESL Adjustments.
- SWAN Adjustments.
- QDTP, Supplementary, Substantive, Extensive.
- Cognitive, Physical, Sensory, Social Emotional.
Subject matter
To ensure we give the students a broard range of experience we have a 4 year curriculum map.
The ILC componen can be guided by the CSIRO seasonal calendars.